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Stay In Touch
Bookmark Option

This simple little bookmark option lets you automatically "stay in touch" with websites.  Sometimes you find a Website, Blog or Forum that you want to visit once a month, but without a regular reminder, you seldom visit that website.  And who wants to register with each Blog or News site for emails, with accounts and passwords and all that?  This option lets you avoid this.

With a few characters, you can set how often you want to receive a simple email with a link to a website.  Then, when you receive that email each week or month, just click the bookmark to visit that Blog, Chart, News Site, etc.  The email looks like this . . .

You can set the frequency from days to years.  Staying in touch every Monday is as easy as entering /s1w after the bookmark's name.  Every Friday would be /s5w, every 15th of the month is /s15m.  The emails are sent out in the morning, between 12AM and 2AM, Eastern Standard Time.  Here is how a bookmark would look with the stay-in-touch option, when editing a tab . . .

The Sartorialist /s5m

Option Format

Place the "stay in touch" option after the bookmark name.  The format is . . .

/s[nc]*     n = day (1-7 , 1-31 , 1-92 , 1-366)
            c = time period (w b m q y)
                w = Weekly (default)
                b = Biweekly (every other week)
                m = Monthly
                q = Quarterly
                y = Yearly

You do not need to include the /s when you double-click to edit a single bookmark.


/s1w         Mondays
/s2w         Tuesdays
/s1w3w5w     Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays
/s1b         Mondays bi-weekly (every two weeks)
/s5m         5th day of each month
/s31m        Last day of each month
/s3q         3rd day of each quarter
/s5q20q      5th and 20th day of each quarter
/s5m364y     5th day of each month, and 364th day of year

You do not need to include the /s when you double-click to edit a single bookmark.



Weekdays start with Monday (1) and end with Sunday (7).


If no characters are found after the s, the numbers are all assumed to be all weekday numbers 1-7 (Monday - Sunday), thus /s1 (every Monday) /s135 (every Monday, Wednesday and Friday) and /s12345 (every Monday through Friday) are valid.


An invalid /s option is assumed to be part of the bookmark name and is ignored.  If your bookmark options appear as part of the bookmark name when viewing your bookmarks, then there is an error in one of the options for that bookmark.



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